Thursday, April 10, 2014


        I saw this product briefly on the +DoctorOz show and I thought I'd give it a try. Since I've been on a health kick and giving up on sweets. I have the occasional craving for baked sweets. That includes brownies. Vitabrownie by +Vitalicious is a good product to get that baked good fix. They also make +VitaMuffin. These are pretty good but if you are looking for a really sweet brownie then this is not for you. This has more of the texture and appearance of a brownie but very light when it comes to sweetness.
       There are four tiny brownies in each box. Decent size as you can see, it fits within my hand. Remove the plastic and microwave for about 15-25 seconds (depending on your microwave). Each brownie is 100 calories, about 6-10 gr of fiber, 3-4 gr of protein and low fat.
See it looks good and it was. The sweetness was underwhelming but that's ok. I was looking for a healthier alternative to a typical brownie anyway and this is it! These can be found in your frozen section at your local grocery.

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