Thursday, December 19, 2013

I Love Protein Powder! part 2

So I recently purchased these 2 4-lb jugs of +Inner Armour protein powder from I got them at a great price. I am satisfied with my order. On the left is the Strawberry Super Quad Protein blend which contains 24 grams of protein and on the right is the Milk Chocolate 100% Isolate Zero blend which also contains 24 grams of protein. I take the isolate after my workout and I take the Super Quad blend right before I go to sleep. I love both flavors. I chose +Inner Armour because they are low in fat and carbs. My only issue with these products is the mixability. These get a bit clumpy at the bottom of my shaker bottle. So I have to scoop out the clumps with a spoon so I don't waste anything when I wash it out. I did not have a mixability issue with +Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Protein or +Monster Milk. Due to this issue, I do not plan on repurchasing from this brand. Mixability is important in my book and the last thing I want to do is mix my shaker bottle like a crazy person especially if I had just had a tough workout.

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