Saturday, December 8, 2012

Paris for Men

Sounds like a woman but smells like a man. So I checked out the mall on Black Friday weekend and went into Bath and Body Works to see if they had any soap on sale to get for myself and for my parents. Someone gave me a bottle of the men's shower gel one time and I really liked it. So I was looking to grab a few for me and the old man. However I found out that this store sells these 10oz bottles for $11 dollars each. .....WTF? It's just soap that goes down the drain in seconds. Yeah it smells nice but still. Even with their sale that weekend I thought that was expensive. But one of the girls in the store directed me to this specific scent- Paris for Men. It was $5 that day. All the other scents for men were $11. I smelled it in the store and I thought it was alright. The name was a turn off though. Paris for Men? Paris Hilton? I have no idea. It was five bucks and it smelled good. Below are the notes of this scent.

Top Fragrance Notes: Lemon, Bergamot, Blood Orange, Mandarin, Watermelon
Mid Fragrance Notes: Lavender, Ginger, Calone, Touch of Violet
Dry Fragrance Notes: Cashmeran, Moss, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Musk

If you have to get a gift for the guys in your life I would suggest this or any of the other scents that sells. An even better idea is if you know the guy's favorite cologne then try to look if the manufacturer makes a shower gel with that fragrance.

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